Kristin Dwyer


Commuting by Canals


Web Designer


August 2020


During the summer of 2020, I was invited by the Idaho Chapter Sierra Club to participate in an online workshop about transportation in Idaho. At the conclusion of the workshop, each participant was asked to make their own project based on one of the units. I chose to code a webpage on the “Canals Can Connect Community” campaign using HTML and CSS.

Fig. 1: scans of some notes and wireframes I created while preparing this project.


I was still very fresh with coding from scratch. Here's what challenged me:

  • CSS grid
  • Balancing information with supplamental links
  • Sticky navigation bars
  • Short timeframe

Fig. 2: seperated view of the full webpage. 


Using CSS grid as the base of the webpage made organizing images and information easy to view and follow. Adding images and links created a pleasurable and interactive experience for the viewer. The sticky navbar feels unnecessary due to the page’s short length. However, it increased my knowlege and pleasure when it finally worked. This webpage has not been adjusted for mobile device viewing.

What I Learned

  • CSS grid
  • Creating working navigation bars
  • SVG asset creation and implementation
  • Webpage hosting through Github